- Standalone Download
- Custom product catalog
- Customers and Vendors.
- Quotations & Orders.
- Stock & inventory.
- And more...
- Users roles.
- Real-time data.
- Bill-of-Materials & reports.
- CAD files & Documents.
- Multi-Language support: EN, FR, DE, ES, IT, PT, PL, JP, ZH-Hans.
- 1 Machine perpetual license.
- Free updates included.
- Flexible self-service license transfer. No limits on transfers.
- Allows networked database
- Best Price Guarantee.
QuoteCAD Manufacturing provides the full power to create and manage price quotes and customer orders. Plus, it’s also fully integrated with manufacturing-stock-vendor/supplier management tools and real-time inventory control.
QuoteCAD Manufacturing also provides support to 2D and 3D proprietary CAD file formats generated by SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, Siemens Solid Edge and Alibre Design. Additionally, it also supports Adobe .pdf files.
Prerequisites: Install CMS QuoteCAD SQL Server
Minimum system requirements:
Supported OS: Windows 8.x / 10 | 32-bit & 64-bit
HD 530Mb | RAM 120MB
QuoteCAD Manufacturing is linked to a SQL database server. This is a prerequisite installer that allows to install and/or link the QuoteCAD Manufacturing database on a local machine or on a network machine.